Title Name Gender Major experience and academic background Concurrent positions in other companies


CHENG, CHU-MING Male Ph.D in Department of Photonics, National Chiao Tung University
Senior Director, Young Optics Inc.
Director, Medimaging Integrated Solution Inc.(Dongguan)
Legal representative, Medview Investments Limited
Director CHEN, CHIN-YI Female


Executive Vice President, MiiS

Director, Medimaging Integrated Solution Inc.(Dongguan)

Director LEE, YU-TSUNG Male Master's degree in Physics from Sun Yat-sen University
R&D Manager, Young Optics Inc
Executive Vice President, MiiS
Director ROAN, YUNG-CHIH Male Master Degree in Physics, FU Jen Catholic University
Oerlikin Optics  Product Line manager
Materion Optics Asia  Sales manager
Partner, OMS Tech
Independent Director CHANG, MING-JYE Male MBA, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
GM,Mega Securities
Independent Director WANG, PAO-CHANG Male MBA, National Taiwan University
CFO, Amazing Microelectronic Corp
Independent Director CHIU, CHIN-TAIN Male Ph.D in Bussiness Administration,National Chengchi University.
MBA, Sloan School of Management,MIT
HSBC Senior Vice President/Head of Corporate Banking Division/Head of Taipei Branch
Independent Director,MiiS
Independent Director, 3D GLOBAL BIOTECH INC.
Supervisor,Sino-Indonesia Cultural and Economic Association
Director,Chiu Shi-De Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Independent Director CHIANG, HUI-HUA Male Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology U.S.A. Lifetime Distinguished Prof., Biomedical Engineering, NYCU
Director, Biomedical Engineering Research and Development Center, NYCU
Distinguished Research Fellow, Bio-IT Technology Division, ITRI 
Supervisor, Taiwanese Society of Biomedical Engineering
Distinguished Professor/Professor/Associate Professor, NYMU
Executive Secretary, Bord of Science and Technology, Executive Yuan 
Convener, Department of Medical Engineering, National Science Council Engineering Office


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